USD $9.99

The STEMI Ready app can help both new and experienced medics more easily identify STEMI and prevent activation for mimics and get them even more ready to deal with patients in the field.

At the core of the STEMI Ready program is the popular and highly-effective Limmer Creative 12-lead ECG Challenge app. We put this essential resource on steroids and added unique material and functions, to improve your team's 12-Lead ECG interpretation expertise while increasing their insight and confidence levels. Created by leading EMS ECG expert, lecturer and author Tom Bouthillet (EMS 12 Lead), its robust features can support the training needs of both agencies and educators.

Highlights include:

- 50 question Cath Lab Challenge quiz - analyze these challenging 12-lead tracings and determine whether to activate the cath lab.
- 180 clinically acquired 12-lead ECGs with detailed rationale interpretations
- A short multiple choice quiz to test your practioners' 12-lead knowledge
- Use the app on the computer in the station or anywhere via a mobile device
- Track user's study time and 12-leads mastered